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开云(中国)Kaiyun·官方网站,开云(中国)Kaiyun-扎克伯格夫妇投资30亿美元 欲攻克所有人类疾病

本文摘要:Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a goal thats even more ambitious than connecting the entire world to the internet: He and his wife want to help eradicate all disease by the end of this century.与用互联网相连整个世界比起,社交网站脸谱首席执行官马克扎克伯格有更加雄心勃勃的目标:他和妻子想在本世纪末协助医治人类所有疾病。

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a goal thats even more ambitious than connecting the entire world to the internet: He and his wife want to help eradicate all disease by the end of this century.与用互联网相连整个世界比起,社交网站脸谱首席执行官马克扎克伯格有更加雄心勃勃的目标:他和妻子想在本世纪末协助医治人类所有疾病。Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan are committing $3 billion over the next 10 years to accelerate basic scientific research, including the creation of research tools — from software to hardware to yet-undiscovered techniques — they hope will ultimately lead to scientific breakthroughs, the way the microscope and DNA sequencing have in generations past.扎克伯格和普莉希拉陈宣告在未来十年中,将投资30亿美元用作基础科学研究,还包括软件、硬件以及新技术等研究工具的研发。

他们期望最后需要构建像显微镜和DNA测序那样的极大科学突破。The goal, which they are unlikely to live to see accomplished, is to cure, prevent or manage all disease in the next 80 or so years.这一目标目的接下来80年的时间里化疗、防治或掌控所有的疾病,尽管在两人有生之年不大可能看见目标构建。They acknowledge that this might sound crazy, but point to how far medicine and science have come in the last century — with vaccines, statins for heart disease, chemotherapy, and so on — following millennia with little progress.他们否认这听得一起有点可怕,但在过去一千年间仍未显著进展的医药科学在疫苗、心脏病诱导素、化学治疗等方面获得根本性变革也不过就是一个世纪的事情。He and Chan have spent the past two years speaking to scientists and other experts to plan the endeavor.过去两年间夫妇俩仍然在同科学家和其它专家商谈此项计划。

He emphasized that this isnt something where we just read a book and decided were going to do.扎克伯格特别强调这个计划并不是我们哪天看了一本书然后忽然要求要做到的。Through their philanthropic organization, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the commitment includes $600 million to fund a new research center in San Francisco where scientific and medical researchers will work alongside engineers on long-term projects spanning years or even decades.二人通过自己的慈善的组织陈扎克伯格基金会向旧金山新建的一所研究中心捐献6亿美元,资助科学和医学研究人员和工程师展开长年项目的合作,该项目将沿袭好几年甚至几十年。The goal is not to focus narrowly on specific ailments, such as bone cancer or Parkinsons disease, but rather to do basic research. 该项目的目标将不是局限于化疗像骨癌和帕金森氏症等一类的类似疾病,而是致力于基础研究。One example: a cell atlas that maps out all the different types of cells in the body, which could help researchers create various types of drugs.例如:绘制细胞图谱。

图谱包括了体内所有类型的细胞,可协助研究人员研发出有有所不同类型的药物。Chans work as a pediatrician seems to be a big driver in their couples decision to take up this latest cause.作为儿科医生,陈女士或许在这项捐献要求中起了十分大的推展起到。Ive been with families where weve hit the limit of whats possible through medicine and science, Chan said. 陈女士说道:行医过程中,我曾遇上一些病患家庭,尽管我们早已尝试了当代医药科学的一切手段也无力回天。

Ive had to tell families devastating diagnoses of leukemia, or that we just werent able to resuscitate their child.而我能做到的要么是通报家属孩子患上白血病的噩耗,要么是残暴地告诉他他们我们无能为力。Zuckerberg and Chan hope that their effort will inspire other far-reaching efforts and collaboration in science, medicine and engineering, so that basic research is no longer relegated to the margins.扎克伯格和陈女士期望他们的希望需要灵感其他人投放进去,在更加普遍的领域增进科学、医药和工程的合作,让基础研究仍然被边缘化。

We spend 50 times more on health care treating people who are sick than we spend on science research (to cure) diseases so that people dont get sick in the first place, Zuckerberg said.扎克伯格说道,我们用作化疗身体呼吸困难的人群的保健资金比用作化疗疾病的科研资金多50倍,为的就是让人们从一开始就不得病。He added that the approach reflects a belief that people are always going to suffer from disease so therefore we should focus on treating people who are sick.他还说道这体现出有的是一种信念,人们早晚都要经历这些疾病,因此我们应当集中于全力化疗身体呼吸困难但仍未患病的人。

The two stressed that they believe that their goal can be accomplished, if not in their lifetime, then in their childs lifetime.扎克伯格夫妇特别强调,他们坚信目标一定需要构建,如果不是在他们的有生之年,就是在他们孩子生活的年代。It was Maxs birth last November that inspired the billionaire couple to give away nearly all their money to help solve the worlds problems.去年十一月份扎克伯格女儿麦柯斯的出生于促成这对亿万富豪夫妇捐赠出有完全全部财产,用作解决问题世界难题。






